ORACLE Apps DBA at San Jose, CA |
Please respond with resumes in MS-Word Format with the following details to Full Name : Requirement Details :-- ORACLE Apps DBA Location: San Jose, CA Duration: 3 Months Sys admin activities(User Creation, Responsibility Assignment) Knowledge On finance Tools like Mark view, Relo 95 Knowledge on Oracle Discoverer 95 Knowledge On OFA 95 Application patching and cloning 95 Oracle Workflow administration 95 Code migrations and knowledge on HPPPM tools. 95 Audit Activities Kumar, Sr.Recruiter. SancroSoft USA Inc |Di rect<span style3d"font-size:10.0pt;font-family:"verdana&quo="" t;,"sans-serif";color:navy"="" style="">: (916) 671-5591|kumar@sancroso 4944 Sunrise Blvd, Suite B-4 |Fair Oaks, CA 95628 | Fax: (916) 200- 0305 | ...(More..) |