Wednesday, 1 August 2012

Websphere MB/MQ admin

Websphere MB/MQ admin

Hi Partner,

Please send resumes to

Location: Dublin, OH

Duration: 6 month contract

Start: 8/6/12

Interview process: Will hire off 1 phone screen (WebEx or Skype) 96 manager typically does interviews after 4pm EST

Rate: $DOE/hr


5 years of experience WebSphere Message Bro ker Administrator 96 we are NOT looking for someone that92s just done dep loyments (they have a separate team for this). We are looking for someon e with strong Performance Tuning experience

3 years of experience WebSphere Message Queue Adm inistrator
2 years of experience WebSphere Message Bro ker development

IBM Certification is preferred

Design, develop and Implement solutions for applications by engineering and configuring the IBM Websphere MQ, Message Broker and WBI Adapters (SAP, JDBC, JText). Design, implement and maintain overall integration infrastructure.


95 Design, implement and maintain integration sy stems infrastructure including fault tolerance and high availability soluti ons.

95 Design and develop Integration solutions base d on IBM Message Broker and MQ technologies.

95 Install and configure IBM Websphere MQ, Messa ge Broker and WBI Adapters (SAP, JDBC, JText) on Unix and Windows based env ironments.

95 Work with project teams to gather requirement s to provide estimates, designs and solutions.

95 Performance tune Websphere MQ and Message Bro ker. Work closely with the development teams to administer load testing and monitoring.

95 Manage and maintain the environments by autom ating systems management and monitoring activities.

95 Assist and/or work with application developme nt teams.

95 Provide 24x7 on-call support of Production sy stems on a rotation basis

95 Research and troubleshoot Integration and inf rastructure issues.

Please send the updated resume of the consultant along with the rat e, location and contact information. Please make sure the Consultant's skills match the requirement. After reviewing the resume I will contact you if I need more information.


Anand Bandarupally
Nihaki Systems Inc
346 Georges Road, Suite # 1, Dayton, NJ 08810.
Phone: 732-438- 1906 Extn: 111
Fax : 732-438-6973
